If you enjoy decorating your home and ensuring that your home looks as stylish as it can, it’s well worth continuing reading to discover a few brand new home decor tips, that will help you decorate your home.
Home Decor Tips:
1. Use scented candles to add a touch of glamor to each room
Placing a few scented candles around your home will instantly add a touch of chic style to your home. To really dress up your home, also invest in decorative candle holders, that suit your home’s decor style. Better yet, when you entertain guests you’ll be able to light your candles so that they give off a pleasant fragrance.
2. Place mirrors in rooms which you’d like to appear larger
If you wish that one of your rooms such as a bedroom, office or lounge was a little more spacious, simply hang an oversized rectangle mirror up. Which will create the illusion that your room is a lot larger than it actually is.
3. Place a large decorative rug in the middle of your lounge or dining room
To make your home look as good as a show home, simply purchase a large decorative rug, which you’ll be able to place right in the middle of one of your family’s shared spaces such as your lounge or dining room.
Placing a large rug under your dining table is also a great idea as it will prevent your dining table’s legs from damaging your flooring. In much the same way you can also place large rugs underneath your sofa, in order to protect your lounge’s flooring.
4. Use gold, silver or rose gold accents to add style to your interior decor
When it comes time to purchasing new interior decor pieces, in order to successfully dress up your home, you may want to pick out gold, silver or rose gold pieces which instantly make your home look more glamorous. As examples, you may want to purchase a gold vase to display your flowers in or silver photo frames to hang up on your walls.
5. Hang your kids’ art pieces up in your hallway
Who says that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on artwork commissioned from professional artists in order to be able to great pieces of art in your home. Instead hang up your kids’ or grandkids’ artwork up on your wall, inside professional grade frames.
Better yet, just imagine the look on your kids’ faces when they first notice their artwork displayed on a wall, for everyone to see.
6. Print out your favorite photos in order to display in frames around your home
While in today’s day and age most individuals simply look at their favorite photos on their laptop, smartphone or tablet, it’s well worth taking a bit of time out of your schedule in order to print out a few photos to display around your home.
So if you’re looking to update the look and feel of your home, make sure to incorporate a few of the home decor tips listed above into your design plans for your home!
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