Technical difficulties can happen at any time. Even significant corporate events could also suffer from these issues. You might prepare well for the event, but anything can happen. It’s terrible if you have to present and a technical problem occurs. As the speaker, you need to stay calm. You can’t let these issues prevent you from providing a quality presentation. The people at the venue will judge you, and you must prove your worth.
Ask for help
You need to have a team during the presentation, and some of them could be working behind the stage. You can seek help as soon as an issue happens. When you have an excellent technical team behind your back, you won’t have to worry about these problems since they will get resolved immediately.
While you’re waiting for the technical problem to get fixed, you can ad-lib. You can also crack some jokes about the unfortunate incident. Don’t leave the stage empty since you might lose people’s interest. If it’s a huge event and a part of the schedule is a short break, you can move it earlier. It might take time to fix the problem, and you run out of things to say. You would rather dismiss everyone rather than keep them waiting.
Continue the presentation
If you’re presenting in a small room and you can speak without a microphone, you can go ahead with the presentation. You might also have to explain everything in detail if you can’t use the projector to present your slides. If it’s a pitch to potential investors, you can’t keep them for long. Their time is precious, and they don’t want to waste it on you as they wait for the problem to get fixed.
Remain confident
It’s easy to get rattled when you face these problems, but you can’t allow them to stop you from doing a great job. Continue talking and don’t make it look like everything depends on your equipment. You need to rely on your attitude and ability to handle tough situations to convince everyone that they should listen to you.
Learn from this mistake
No one wants to be in this terrible situation, and it’s something you can learn a lot from. You might have to double-check the equipment you need and ensure everything is working well. You can ask your technical team to fix some issues first before you hit the stage.
If you’re going to use slides, check if the projector is working well. You can also buy a projector ceiling mount if you want to place the equipment in the same area permanently.
The point is that if you can’t prevent these issues from happening, it doesn’t mean your presentation will fail. It’s still on you to determine how to engage your audience despite what happened. Next time, you can make fun of the experience as you create your presentation.
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