It’s annoying to have a fungal infection. It starts with annoyance and it eventually becomes too painful to bear. You might not be able to walk properly for the next few days. The good thing is that you can find ways to reduce the risk of having these infections.
Keep your hands and feet dry
After bathing, cooking or washing the dishes, you have to wipe your hands and feet clean. You may also use a blower if you want to hasten the drying process. A expert Podiatrist Sydney tell us that before you put on your socks, you have to dry your feet first; otherwise, you’ve created an environment to hasten the growth of fungi.
Always wear clean socks
If it’s your habit to wear socks several times, you need to change them. You will increase the possibility of a fungal infection if not. Wear clean cotton socks. Use natural materials only and avoid synthetic ones since they are not breathable. Hence, your feet start to moisten after a while.
Never share towels and shoes
Even if you share with family members, it doesn’t guarantee that it will be safe for you. Sharing things at home or elsewhere could facilitate the spread of infection. Thoroughly wash and dry the towels first before using them if they’re not yours.
Regularly clip your nails
Long nails could also lead to infection. Make sure that you clip your nails often and keep them short. It’s also easier to trap dirt when you have long nails. Use your own clippers or scissors and don’t share them with anyone.
Replace old shoes
You might have a favorite pair of shoes and you don’t want to throw them away. The problem is when you already know that they got contaminated. It’s time that you let go of them no matter how much you still love using them. You can buy a new pair that look the same if you want.
Immediately treat athlete’s foot
If you have a history of athlete’s foot, it’s easier for you to suffer from nail fungal infections. Therefore, you need to treat the problem as soon as possible. Find a way to stop it so that it won’t lead to complications like fungal infections. Athlete’s foot also has something to do with the lack of proper hygiene.
Treating the problem might take a while
The reason why you have to reduce the risks of fungal infection is that it could take a while to solve it. You won’t do your regular tasks because you will suffer from constant pain.
The good thing is that you can use treatments like fungal nail infection cream if you want to stop the problem. Be consistent in the application so that the problem will soon go away.
When you experience a fungal infection or if it’s a problem that keeps coming back, you need to change your lifestyle. You will most likely see the problem again if you don’t change your ways. Maintain proper hygiene at home or anywhere you go.
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