A strong immune system is one of the best ways to keep illness at bay. But, with the crazy schedules we all lead, it’s important that we take care of ourselves in any way possible to stay healthy, according to experts like DavidPaul Doyle Naturwise. This means eating right and supplementing with key nutrients to help your immune system do its job.
Here are six supplements to take to boost your immune system:
1) Zinc
This essential mineral is one of the most important if you’re looking to keep illness at bay. A zinc deficiency can damage your immune system. But zinc isn’t just about warding off colds and the flu: it also helps enzymes function properly and can even help to stabilize your blood sugar.
Zinc is especially important during times of high stress because the adrenal glands need zinc to produce cortisol, which we all know is essential for warding off illness. The best natural source of zinc? Oysters! Other good sources include red meat, pumpkin seeds, spinach, and cashews.
2) Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help fight off free radicals that can damage your cells as well as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A good intake of vitamin C may also protect you against heart disease and arthritis and boost your immune system.
Fruits and veggies such as oranges, strawberries, and broccoli contain high levels of vitamin C. Try to eat at least one serving daily because it’s water-soluble, and you’ll likely urinate away much of what your body doesn’t need. If that isn’t enough, there are numerous supplements available.
3) Elderberry
Elderberry is a powerful antioxidant and has played an important role in preventing illnesses such as the flu, colds, and infections; according to experts, the elder reduces inflammation and stimulates the production of your body’s own antibodies to fight off infection. It also enhances phagocytosis, which is the process in which your white blood cells wipe out bacteria and pathogens.
For best results, look for a supplement that contains elderberry extract and natural vitamin C and take it before you get sick to prevent illness from setting in.
4) Echinacea
This herb’s benefits can improve your immune system’s ability to respond to everyday stress. Echinacea also helps your cells release interleukin, a natural compound that helps to reduce inflammation and prevent illness.
Experts recommend taking 600mg three times daily to ward off common illnesses. If you’ve already gotten sick, 1,000 to 2,000 mg should be taken every three hours until symptoms disappear.
5) Garlic
This powerful herb contains sulfur compounds that have been shown to help fight a number of medical problems, including infections and high blood pressure, as well as boosting your immune system’s ability to ward off illness. Taking garlic supplements may also prevent cancer.
In addition, this pungent food can help you lose weight because it can speed up metabolism and help you burn fat. Be sure to use only fresh, organic garlic in cooking and purchase supplements that contain odorless ingredients because garlic can cause bad breath and body odor!
6) Green Tea
Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that may prevent illness by protecting your cells from free radicals. One of green tea’s most active and powerful catechins is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This compound might stimulate your immune system, which may help you ward off illness.
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