There is so much which social media has brought us and it truly is the best way in which we can connect with people all over the world. One of the best things about social media is that it brings people together who share passions, and this is one of the most fun and entertaining things that you can do online. In particular sports is something which I follow on social media and from big bloggers like Stephen Stapinski Andover, I can get involved with talking about and sharing my favorite sports moments or opinions. There are many more just like Stephen who have created a solid following and who bring people together, and here is why I really love using this medium to talk all things sports.
Up to Date
Because of the fact that social media is so instant, you can get up to date information about what is happening with your favorite sports team. This could be injury and team news, it could be live scores or any breaking news in general. There is a reason why sites such a Twitter have become more of a news source than anything else, and that is mainly because of the fact that users are updating real time information. To be honest I enjoy this aspect of social media, especially when rumors begin to circle about player trades.
Venting Your Spleen
When you are sat at home watching the game there are things which are going to drive you mad and make you want to shout. This is all well and good if you are watching with fellow fans, because you can both cheer and scream together. If you are on your own however then there is nobody to chat to like this, which is why social media makes so much sense. Using social media you can vent whatever is on your chest, and share it with your fellow sports fans. Knowing that there are others out there like you, and knowing that they feel the same as you do, really helps you to feel part of the community.
Debating The Odds
As any sports fan will know, watching sports is not enough, we have to talk about it as often as we can too. This is why so many love to go to the bar, so that they can share some drinks and get locked into heated discussions about who is best, who is right and who is wrong. These days you won’t need to go to the bar for this kind of information and debate, because you can do it right there on social media channels. There is always someone who is going to thinking differently from you, and that is why it makes sense to get online and have a good argument about our favorite sports, teams and players.
Ultimately social media has added an extra layer to how we enjoy sports on the whole.
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