It’s a fact that no one’s home is perfect but you can try to make your house, a worthy home; where people can feel connected with each other.
We have summarized some points which usually guests notice when they enter your home.
1. Hospitality
Hospitality is all about people welcoming other people at their place. It is an art of receiving and entertaining guest. The moment they enter your home, make it obvious that their presence means the world to you. There are some guests who are unwelcomed or unexpected as well and unexpected visitors are really troublesome because they come at odd hours. But try to give a warm greeting and offer a drink to everyone whether the guests are expected or unexpected.
2. Entrance
Make sure that the entry to your house is welcoming to your guests. They will need/notice a “welcome mat” to wipe their shoes on entering your home. After that, is there any proper place to put their shoes and is there any place to put their jackets or just in case; umbrella.
3. Odors
When your guests enters in your living room first thing that they observe is not the decor not the placement of furniture but the scent. Atmosphere matters a lot. People remember the moments with fragrances. If there is a bad smell it will make a memory of negative impression based on that smell.
4. Lightning
Lighting of a room can change the mood of a room. Placement and type are important aspects according to garbage disposal companies. If your room is filled with natural lights then well and good but if there is a need to add artificial lights make sure that; no harsh sources of artificial lights.
5. Sitting Arrangement/Furniture Placement
Some people have a habit of rearranging the furniture mentally in someone else’s house so make sure that there is a proper sitting arrangement for everyone and the sofas are clean, there should be no stains on your cushions. There is so much clutter simply remove the excess things from your home because you are used to it but your guests are not they will definitely notice the clutter. So, use a junk removal company to ensure there is not unnecessary junk in your house to annoy guests.
6. Animal Fur
If your guest are non-pet owner then they will keenly observe the presence of any pet. They may notice their bedding, their food bowls and their litter box, so make sure to clean them regularly if you have any pet in your home.
7. Toys
If you have children in your home or the guest will bring their children with them, you can’t stop them from playing with toys while they are creating the mess with toys. The only solution is to make a corner for them to play with toys.
8. A Sink Full of Dishes
If there are some females that are your guests chances are they will come to your kitchen with you and look into every little detail, people really notice if your kitchen is messy. A well-furnished and organized kitchen gives a much positive impression to the eyes of your guests. Some people even feel stressed if the kitchen is unclean.
9. Bathroom Is Not Clean
Chances are high that your guest will use your bathroom during their visit and if the bathroom is not clean it’s a nightmare for your guests. Make sure there are clean washroom towels. Soap or a hand wash is present, enough toilet papers are there.
It’s about making your company feel welcome so try not to skip a single step as said by garbage disposal companies. If you think that we have left some points to mention, think of the thing that you notice when you visit someone else’s home!
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